Saturday, October 12, 2019

Web Page Creation Report :: Computer Science

Web Page Creation Report In order to create my web pages, I used a program called FrontPage Express. This allowed me to create web pages without learning the language they are written in, HTML. To start with, I created a new directory for the website to go in to. I did this by clicking on File>New>Folder. I then renamed the folder just created to Computerstore. Into that folder, I created five more folders, and renamed them Images, INP, OUT, MPU and STO. These were for the four different sections of products and for the images. My next task was to create the index page. In FrontPage Express, I created a new page by clicking on File>New>Normal Page. I then right-clicked on the page and selected page properties. I could then change the background colour. After I found that none of the preset colours were suitable, I created a custom colour by entering different amounts of Red, Blue, and Green until I found a colour that I liked. I then added this to the custom colours list so I could use it on the other pages. I then set all of the text and hyperlink colours to black so that all the text on the page would the same colour. Whilst I was in page properties, I added the page title that would be shown at the top of the browser by typing the title I wanted into the title box. With the properties set how I wanted, I could lay out the page. I wanted to add a table on the page, to contain the hyperlinks to the other pages. To do this, I clicked on Table>Insert Table, and entered the size of table I wanted, as shown to the left. I then formatted the table by right clicking on the outline, and selecting Table Properties. I added a border of size 10, aligned the table to the centre, and coloured the border navy, as shown to the right. I clicked OK and went back to the home page. I added the section names into the table, and added a two-line title. Using the defaults, the page looked like the image to shown above. I then formatted all of the text into a different font, Franklin Gothic Heavy. I then changed the size of the first line of the title to the largest, size 7, and underlined it. My newly formatted homepage now looked like this. I saved the file into the main directory as index.htm. In order to create the index pages for the sub-directories, I used the homepage as a template. For each index page, all I would need to do was to change

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