Monday, October 14, 2019

The Law and ICT Essay Example for Free

The Law and ICT Essay Introduction: Since the introduction of personal computers in 1980s, the use of computer technology in schools has mirrored that in western society as a whole. In many western schools, the availability of an internet-connected is considered as a right and a prerequisite for learning; many schools have considered or are planning to move to a ratio of one computer for each student. As computer technology has grown ubiquitous in the spheres of business and industry, a cultural expectation has developed that schools should â€Å"train students for the workplaces of the future†. This expectation has led, in turn, to public policy initiatives focused on encouraging adoption of various aspects of technology. Universities began training teachers to use technology in their classrooms, and governments and businesses alike began pouring money into schools. Though initially referred to by the catch-all term â€Å"educational technology†, reflecting the perspective of many in the research community that computers were another in the long line of tools used in service of technology, the rhetoric began to change in the late 1990s. Researchers and policymakers in the United Kingdom, excited about the prospects of computer technology for transforming teaching and learning, began to use the phrase â€Å"Information and Communication Technologies†, or ICT, to refer to the broad uses of computing in schools (Stevenson, n. p., 1997). Today, though there remain pockets where computer technology is less than pervasive in schools, many consider that schools in developed countries have reached a near-universal level of access to computing technology. Statistics bolster this argument: 99% of secondary schools in the US and UK has computers that can access the internet. The average student-to-computer ratio in UK secondary schools in 2004 was 4.9-to-one, while US schools reported an average ratio of 4.8-to-one in 2002. (NCES 2003, DFES 2004) At the same time the computer technology has become ubiquitous in schools, researchers have begun to examine what role computers should play in the educational endeavor. From early technophiles and champions of classroom-based computing came promises of increased learning efficiency and success for all learners (Papert, n. p., 1980), combined with a perhaps unpleasant notion of teachers being relegated to mere coaches for students’ individualized learning (Callister Dune, p 324-326, 1992). Critics, pointing to the amazing ability of the educational establishment to avoid systematic change in the face of even the most impressive of interventions, were skeptical of technology for a number of reasons (Chadwick, p 35-40, 2002). One result of this rivalry (Reynolds, Treharne, Tripp, p 151-167, 2003) was a proliferation of research comparing educational computing to traditional content delivery; collectively, the work found basically no difference in the educational outcomes of the different delivery methods (Salomon, p 71-72, 2002). Other research has provided significantly more valuable data on how computer technology can be used in educational contexts. Specifically, by combining research in the learning sciences with research in educational computing, researchers have been able to point out clear areas where computers can impact learning in highly positive ways (Brown, p 399 413, 1997). There remain questions, however, about computer technology in schools (Cuban, Kirkpatrick, Peck, p 813-834, 2001; Solomon, p 73- 75, 2002). In spite of growing bodies of research pointing to successful ways to integrate computers into learning environments, many problems exist. Teachers are often ill-prepared and fail to integrate ICT successfully even when they have the necessary hardware and software. Technology programs are often introduced into schools with little preparation and support, thus ensuring that only the most highly motivated teachers will take them up. Technology is often used in support of traditional teaching practices, even though it shows the promise of taking teaching and learning to a new, more learner-centered and thus more effective level (Reigeluth Joseph, p 9-13, 2002). ICT in Schools at UK As it is commonly used in UK schools today, ICT may consist of many technology-based tools which are used for teaching and learning in the schools: personal computers used by the teachers, staff, or students; any software that may run on those computers, whether designed or adopted for educational purposes or not; the Internet including various component applications but specifically the Web; static display technologies such as monitors and LCD projectors or interactive ones such as electronic whiteboards; printers and other output devices; video cameras, digital still cameras, audio recorders, digitized music, and other multimedia production equipment that connects to the computers; and other alternative input devices such as scientific measuring equipment. Perhaps because of how broadly effective computer technology has been in the workplace, or because of how it has changed the way many people communicate with friends and family, there seems to be a tacit assumption that technology should improve the experience of teaching and learning in schools (Tyack Cuban, n. p., 1995). The Function Performed by ICT in the System of Education ICT is capable of and definitely performs a number of functions within a school. The key functions that it can play are academic, ethnic, communal, managerial and professional .If ICT is implemented with a vigilant software and is set up logically, it can absolutely influence numerous areas of school life, such as the extent and intensity of the environment of learning, starting as of a strong perplexity of current practices of teaching to a ongoing development in value, in addition to offering a outstanding opening for the progress and improvement of teachers (Pedro et al. p 2, 2004). Function of Academic Implementation One of the important roles of ICT within the circumstances of school is to present a structure so as to encourage an upgrade and revise educational practices of teaching. Although there have been numerous optimistic results accounted for on a minor level, on a replicable and large scale no innovative sort of breakthrough is evident on account of ICT. However, both students and teachers may avail the benefit of an increased number of learning sources such as web pages and software packages. For effective classroom utilization the teachers would require matter and stuff related to the existing curriculum in addition to comprehensible approaches model patterns. If IT is included as a routine classroom practice the teachers will realize a better learning motivation and even an improved regularity and attendance at school. Thus, teachers could productively make use of this affirmative manner to open up novel educational approaches to involve students in learning activities more actively, rather than making them mere inactive knowledge recipients. (Pedro et al. p 3, 2004) Edifying, Communal, and Specialized Functions The edifying, communal and specialized functions of ICT are implemented principally out of a successful exercise of the enormous quantity of sources of knowledge and obtainable assistance at present for the whole community of education that are the parents, administrators, teachers and the students. Besides, at present the latest apparatus for instance the PDAs, Tablet PCs and science devices, and economical moveable keyboards having ability of text-handling, are definitely assisting teachers the world over. An Internet connected school can speed up interaction and exchange of ideas within the educational community not only on local or national extents but on a global level as well. The academic and learning projects which bring together both teachers and pupils from all over the world could intensify the eminence of the spoken distances, and could enlarge learners’ perspectives through permitting them to get acquainted with people of different ethos and may arouse collective performance and communal communication and interface. Such networks serve as an intermediary for teachers to set up smooth associations amid worldwide schools peers. The teachers might have great advantages by discussing their knowledge, troubles and uncertainties with teachers of other countries in the same field. E-learning is also assuming significance at present among the teachers for offering numerous training modules via Internet, consequently making new resources available for proficient advancement no matter what and where is the workplace of the participants. (Pedro et al. p 3-4, 2004) Organizational/managerial Function The functions performed by ICT in the school management are recognized as not much burdensome and can be successfully integrated into the administrative flow of information about pupils, teachers, syllabus and prospectus, financial plans and potential actions due to the learning scheme pipelines of information. ICT also proves to be an effective source of information for the community such as guardians, parents, investigators and politicians, regarding new policies and other educational reports. They also enable teachers to effectively keep their up-to-date records such as students’ marks and other academic or personal records with the latest upgrading. With the help of preformatted documents they can also generate the complete necessary facts and figures for the parents and management. Significantly, in digital format teachers are able to preserve their topic stuff like worksheets and exercises, lectures outlines, lesson plans, assessment papers and evaluations etc., with easier revision and updating, which could also be shared with other teachers. Actually, the multipurpose   apparatus for instance a CPU, a portable key board or a handheld gadget along with a and a network, may assist teachers in carrying out their   organizational responsibilities, is of course a persuasive reason to convince teachers for ICT training (Pedro et al. p 4-5 2004). However, there is also a growing body of research showing that ICT can have a beneficial impact and has significant potential for education. Not surprisingly, many cognitive scientists have rallied around the idea that computers and computer-aided learning environments can definitely have unique benefits for students if they are used in ways that support student learning (Bransford et al., n. p., 1999). Nevertheless, if not appropriately and vigilantly operated the same beneficial aspects of employing the ICT in schools may turn into extremely adverse situations for the administration as a number of hazards are involved in its usage. The research now moves on to study such hazards and the measures to overcome them.    Synopsis: Potential Hazards    A great number of constructive learning and communal advantages are offered by ICT to young groups, however regrettably it involves some hazards also. Young folks and kids are more susceptible to unknown or even known hazards in any walk of life on account of their mental immaturity and may harm themselves. Similarly while using ICT as well, specifically the Internet they are more exposed to the hazards. Moreover a number of immature individuals might involve themselves in some illegal or inappropriate activities. Several problems and threats may be abridged underneath (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 4, 2005). Since a number of problems summarized here mainly speak about ICT exercises not inside the school, but predictably numerous activities are instigated outside of course, but are gradually brought inside the school and are required to be handled by the school management. For example, bullying via chat or text messages will impact upon relationships within school; fanatical internet exploit by a student must affect his performance in the school, and his character variations and common comfort possibly will signify his involvement in improper activities. Though the schools are supposed to have suitable technologies to confine such unacceptable right to use, however one can’t deny the fact that students might lead to use a more complicated variety of handheld appliances within school which may provide them discrete right to use inappropriate resources. Therefore the policies of the schools regarding adequate employ, must contemplate about the equipments possessed by the students. Thus, a great responsibility lies with the school management not only to teach the students, but to educate them with acceptable manners and essential judgment ability which could guide them to continue legally and safely while working on internet and using various technologies. The adolescents habitual of too much internet practice, or occupied in threatening and illegal online behaviors, at times take professional assistance and therapy restore stability in their life whether online or offline. In this regard a vital role may also be played by the school for facilitating suitable assist (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 4, 2005). ICT and Fanatical internet Use The young people and children are more inclined to be fanatical while using the internet and its associated expertise. There are certain factors which indicate the level of priority achieved by the Internet in the life of an adolescent, as follows: Wasting of precious study time in online activities; Reducing time of sleep; Declining performance in the school; Bad effects on relationships with family members (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 5, 2005). Violation of Copyright Law The law of copy right is applicable on the internet also but is neglected at times by a number of adolescents when they either download music files or exchange them, prepare their academic assignments merely by cutting and pasting other writer’s works, or sometimes the complete project is purchased online available at some cheat sites devoid of considering the inferences and results (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 5, 2005). Illegitimate or Unsuitable conduct Teenagers are sometimes caught up in unsuitable, disruptive or illicit activities during employing the latest technologies. They can form online factions or gangs, and then behaviors which they initiate only for fun, for example expressing a disparate view for some other associate of the blog, may sometimes bring very undesirable and serious consequences. Another adverse feature for using the new technologies is online bullying which is supposed to offer an unidentified technique to the bullies who can torture their targeted people any time they want. Pleasure achieved by teasing others is a very dangerous psychological tendency and may lead to other criminal activities. Though such bullying doesn’t cause any physical hazard to its victims but definitely causes mental distress and embarrassment or at times fear when they receive any disgusting or threatening e-mail or text message while chat. Thus, their self-respect and psychological security is injured by this undesirable practice. A number of kids and adolescents get occupied in even more crucial behaviors. Some potential threats could be participation in stealing the identity or involvement in websites of detestation or religious groups, or sale or purchase of illicit or stolen commodities online. There is uncomplicated access available for gambling, sites guiding suicide attempts, buying and selling of arms, sites promoting hacking techniques, and offering formulas of preparing explosives or bombs and recipes of making drugs, cannot be ignored. Youths are often caught up in watching, keeping and owning, preparing and sharing offensive or pornographic descriptions or pictures. Such cases of illegal obscene or immoral racialism may be informed at Internet Watch Foundation or the police (IWF) (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 4-5, 2005) Contact with unacceptable resources The kids and adolescents can be exposed to unsuitable stuff either text or images, while using the internet, chat or e-mail. Such stuff could be of detestable or aggressive type, pornographic, supports illicit and unsafe action, or may be simply prejudiced and unsuitable for their age. This is undoubtedly an advantage of the web that it is accessible to everybody but regrettably it has adverse implications when people with severe biased, bigot or racially prejudiced outlooks get opportunities to extend their imprecise vision worldwide. The internet definitely serves a multitude for presenting huge quantity authorized and illegitimate stuff as far as pornography is concerned. Inquisitiveness concerning pornography is a usual element of sexual maturity; however adolescents could perhaps be offended with any of such stuff available online. The lasting effects of such revelation may be unexpected (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 5, 2005). Sexual Exploitation and Corporal Hazard The danger of corporal hazard is possibly a seriously upsetting and severe threat related to the internet and supplementary expertise. The unlawful groups make utilize the internet and associated assistance for instance the chat opportunities serve as a contact point for young people. The main objective of these groups is to create and promote such associations with adolescents to drag and involve them in unsuitable sexual abuse. Specific persons are usually targeted through pedophiles, showing a friendly dude with identical hobbies and leisure pursuit to initiate the online relation of friendship. Beginning with simple chat such relationship gradually develop into more closer one with cleverly gaining the trust of innocent youths, conceivably develop some other modes of contact just like the text messages being a preface of personal appointment. There is also a danger that when a child or youth provides personal facts online which may recognize them, and try to meet their online friends thus imposing a threat not only to their own security to their other relations also (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 5-6, 2005). School staff’s Illicit or Improper activities It is a regrettable fact that some of the schools staffs have also been found in some unsuitable and unlawful activities while using ICT. Such activities could be watching, sharing and circulating child pornographic or other impermissible stuff through e-mail. Therefore, the responsibility lies with the school management for educating and guiding their staffs to adopt decent online conducts, and vigilantly watching the networks system of the school for confirmation of any unsuitable pursuit. In an evident case of unacceptable pursuit by a staff member must get a penalizing rejoinder from school administration, for example police consultation etc (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 6, 2005) The Significance of Guaranteeing a Secured ICT Educational Atmosphere The creation of safe ICT educational atmosphere is the duty of all schools; however most of them are not aware of about how to start it. The schools are showered from different organizations’ ads assuring about their novel technical goods as a solution of all internet security issues encountered by the school. There is no doubt that these products are useful to an extent but can not be employed separately. Such technological sorts of instruments are successful when employed as a part of the framework of a wide-ranging program made for internet security, being summarized as under: Producing a protected ICT education atmosphere requires to comprise: Introduction of a wide-ranging education program for the entire school community ensuring internet security; There should be comprehensive infrastructure with selected duties, measures, strategies and guidelines well understood by the whole school; A useful variety of technological instruments should be made available; The composition of above mentioned constituents may differ from school to school. Apparently, the requirements for a small school with a few computers must be different than those having multifaceted set of connections, for thousands of students. But still, the requirement for above mentioned essential constituents will of course be the consistent (E-safety Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice, p 8, 2005) The Implication of Law: The Governmental Perspective against ICT Misuses With the above discussion it is quite clear now that significance of using ICT in the schools can not be denied on account of its various undeniable benefits, however, looking at the darker side of the picture we have also realized that there is an intense need to overcome the misuse of ICT to save our young generation from its potential hazards, either physical or psychological. Thus, like all developed nations of the world the Government of UK has also made numerous efforts to govern such abuses by imposing several criminal or civil laws. A few of such specifications are recapitulated as under: Protection of Children Act 1978, amended in 1994 by section 84 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act; The Telecommunications Act 1984; Malicious communication Act 1988 Copyright, designs and Patents Act 1988; Computer Misuse Act 1990; Protection from Harassment Act 1997; Crime and Disorder Act 1998; Data Protection Act 1998; Freedom of Information Act 2000; Sexual Offences Act 2003; Privacy and Electric Communications regulations 2003; Byron Review Computer Misuse Act 1990 This is the only act imposed only to handle computer related crimes and is effective in determining an incident and is value summarizing in some ensuing corporation records. In a school situation when a misuse incident is evident a reaction strategy is formed and permitted by main judgment officials chosen from within the school, contemplation must be paid to: In case of misuse discovery who will be informed first? Who is going to head the response plan and inspection panel? If there is need of some extent of police involvement or the services of any exterior professional inspection expertise? The concluding and decisive action in executing a successful event reaction strategy is conveying the pertinent strategy and measures all over the school. Training distinctive faculties and picking in-house advocate who may guarantee the carrying out of the policy, and make sure that each one comprehends their responsibilities and necessities for any contingency. As a minimum requirement it is sensible to inform the main faculties and engage them in the initial stage of a case. In this way the commitment to process is ensured. Because of that assurance, the subsequent inspection may attain a buy-in as of everybody concerned and effect in a organized case response (Janes, p 1, 2006). Discovering a Misuse Case After determining the prospective case, the nature of misuse case must be discovered. The police participation is not advisable in any or all cases unless some particular type of crime is involved. The cases of pedophilic nature or which are alleged as planned offenses are needed to be reported. Such categorization of cases may assist in deciding the intensity of reaction and ensuing allotment of suitable means. Isolate the crime setting In the academic world the prime enticement on the discovery of a misuse case is for a speedy glance and the same is definitely the most terrible fault which may endanger some inspection. Fragility of an electronic proof is confirmed, which may easily be amended, smashed or damaged by unsafe treatment or assessment. Hence, particular preventative measures must be adopted in recording, gathering, conserving and investigating such proofs. Unsafe use of such   forensically reliable methods could result in unfeasible verification or an imprecise inference. Therefore, the precise method must be used to protect the reliability of electronic proof. While a computer-based offense is consigned, the computer is well thought-out as an offense outlook similar to any concealed proof and is not interfered with. In the initial stage no change should be made in the state of electronic appliances and their atmosphere. Any interaction might change the content and the evidence might be corrupted (Janes, p 1, 2006). Beginning interviews Each and every probable witness present at the location must be noted preferably by recording the particulars of site, time of access and link with probable conjectures. Collect all helpful information for the purpose of investigation for instance e-mail, set-up and safety of passwords, identity of user and the suppliers of internet service. The notes must be completed with details of all supplementary school belongings which are found with a conjecture, for instance PDAs, cell and mobile phones or laptops. Assembling Verifications Subsequently a specialized computer forensic inspection panel is called upon, whether internal or exterior experts, in order to recognize and protect the probable verification means. Just about positively, inside the academic surroundings the most reliable verification means is suspect’s regularly used computer. If the suspects used computer and the victim’s used computer are accessible must be protected. In case of no such access attention must be paid to the backing tapes and the host computer that is the server by means of which the information might surpassed.   The accurate particulars about computers are required to be recorded such as model and type, serial number and make etc. For an on computer, details about screen should be recorded or photographed. For an off computer other facts are to be recorded. In case of the presence of other drives, a note should be made for this along with the particulars of their media. As soon as electricity is detached the computer must be preserved in a carton and be shifted to a safer place for further inspection (Janes, p 1, 2006). Representing a Conclusion By taking into account each and every proof at hand, the ultimate phase of inquiry reaches that is to extract a wrapping up. The ending have to be impartial, balanced and established on unquestionable truth. On this concluding phase it is advisable to take expert or legitimate advice to move on in right direction (Janes, p 1, 2006). Data Protection Act 1998 Significant Features to be Considered  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individual facts have to be acquired impartially and legally. The focus of data ought to be informed the data organizer or concerned establishment; the person representing   the data organizer; the objectives data are intended to be processed for; plus on whom the facts could be revealed. Educational institutions do this for students at the time of registration. Private dispensation of data can be completed only if some particular provisions are fulfilled comprising the subject consent or the legal requirements data organizer. Supplementary provisions have to be fulfilled for dispensing the vulnerable individual data, related with customs, political judgment, and belief, relationship with trade union, physical condition, sexuality or illicit history of the subject.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The personal data is covered by this new Act in either of the forms, manual or electronic such as card indices or paper files, apprehended by a prearranged and pertinent arrangement of filing.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The reasons reported by the educational institution to the commissioner of data protection must be considered while individual data processing. The data Protection Representative must be discussed with while any new dispensation of data.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Keeping the individual data up to date and precise is very essential and must not be maintained and kept longer than the required period.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Suitable safety procedures are to be followed against illegitimate or unlawful dispensation of individual data and in contradiction of unintentional damage, or loss of individual data. This comprises training of staff for data security as an organizational gauge and recurring endorsement of data files in addition to data encryption as technical methods.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The individual data is not allowed to be shifted exterior of the boundaries of the European Economic Area except exclusive releases is employed with the consent of data subject. It may comprise printing of individual data through internet (Mukerji, p1, 2001). Privileges of Data Subject This Act offers noteworthy privileges to persons regarding individual data apprehended in relation to them by data regulators. Such privileges are as follows: A person is allowed to have a copy of his individual data in order to make a subject access request; The data regulator is required assure that they won’t be affected by any specific resolutions as such decisions are established only by an mechanized decision-making course of action; To make sure that no loss or damage is caused to the data while processing; The data processing must be prevented keeping in view the direct marketing as the primary objective; Necessary steps to be taken in case of any damage suffered by the data regulator for an infringement of the Act; Necessary action to be taken for erasing, blocking, rectifying, or destroying any erroneous data; If there is a doubt regarding contravention of a provision of the Act, a request can be made to the Data Protection Commissioner for an inquiry of such matter (Mukerji, p1, 2001).       Freedom of Information Act 2000 Nature of the Act In 2000, the government of UK approved the Freedom of Information Act. In speculation this permits individuals or associations to request information from the state which, unless it falls within one of the exemptions officials must hand over inside 20 days or longer if they require some period to choose whether it should be released. Whitehall gave itself four years to arrange for this significant enlightening modification in UK, open government has frequently been seen as a disagreement in terms, but on January 1, the waiting was over. Consequently, civil servants were active destroying documents and removing emails in an attempt to make sure that they wont be required to discharge them now the Act is applicable. A number of Departments have twice the number of documents shattered yearly (Amory, p 1, 2005). The Types Organizations Under the Act Approximately 100,000 public organizations are distressed. That means the main government ministries, but also every NHS Trust, the Post Office, the police and, more incomprehensibly, the Sea Fish Authority, the Treasury Valuation Committee, the Wine Standards Board, the Covent Garden Market Authority and the British Potato Council. Some public establishments, though, are exempted counting MI5 and MI6, the courts, the National Criminal Intelligence Service and the SAS. (Amory, p 1, 2005). Provisions of the Act All evidenced information such as written accounts, tapes, emails, diaries, letters, and contracts. Merely concerning anything, actually, so long as it doesnt fall within one of the 27 exemptions. Though, these are so extensively outlined that a smart civil servant could put just about any document into as a minimum one grouping. Anything that is commercially private associates to national safety, involves worldwide relations, is individual information about a person, might destabilize the requirement for openness in the formulation of government strategy, might bias the economic welfare of the UK, and is connected to an official analysis and so on. Ultimately, they dont have to offer any matter that would, in the case of central government, cost more than 600 pounds to collect, nor in the case of other guanos, more than 450 pounds .There is no time boundary on the material applied for information (Amory, p 1, 2005). Gathering Information Requests can be submitted to the organizations apprehensive in writing, by email or by fax, relating the information required. There is no need to give a reason for the request. It is also useful to mention if want the material photocopied or the replies sent by post or email. There is no charge for such a autonomy-of-information request and the power must respond inside 20 working days   (Amory, p 1, 2005). Appeal against Refusal An appeal against a refusal can be made to discharge information to a self-reliant arbitrator, the Information Commissioner, who will request for a public interest test. In other words, even if the required material falls within one of the exemptions, he can order it revealed if its publication would be in the public interest. It remains to be seen whether he has the decision to make such an method work in practice, but even if he does; the Prime Minister or any other Cabinet Minister can refuse his pronouncement and hold back publication of the information at any time. This catchall clause, which will apparently be used to avoid any politically susceptible information seeing the light of day, was contentious when added to the Act (Amory, p 1, 2005).    Potential Outcomes Much depends on the information commissioner, Richard Thomas. If he applies the public interest test robustly, some interesting information could find its way into the public domain. For instance, private sector firms involved in Private Finance Initiative contracts are already panicking that there will be requests to see the details of their deals, revealing the enormous and unjustified profits theyve made. The number of ministerial refusals will also be significant, as will the attitude of the courts, which will be able to judicially review such vetoes and could overturn them. The most likely outcome is a brief flurry of revelations, followed by a new culture in Whitehall that avoids committing any sensitive information to paper whenever possible. One other issue is the extent to which the Act will apply to EU documents, as it could allow us to penetrate the obsessive secrecy that surrounds decision-making in Brussels. Sexual Offences Act 2003 The Sexual Offences Act 2003, which received Royal Assent on 20th November 2003, brings wide-reaching changes to current legislation on sexual offences. There are a number of specific sexual offences against children which feature within Part I of the Act. These relate to the rape or sexual assault of a child, sexual activity with a child, and the abuse of a position of trust which leads to a sexual offence against a child, meeting a child following sexual grooming and sexual activity with a child family member. Other offences relate to encouraging, arranging or causing the involvement of a child in prostitution or pornography. Some of these offences are new, while others are set to replace existing offences under, for example, the Indecency With Children Act 1960 (See Schedule 7 of the Act). This article focuses upon a specific area of the Act in order to evaluate whether the Act (hereafter the SOA) is likely to achieve one of the Government’s main aims, of giving children ‘the greatest possible protection under the law from sexual abuse’ (Burney, p 28-36, 2003). The focus of analysis is the creation of a new offence relating to sexual grooming under s.15. This is a significant development, given that research has shown that an opportunity to sexually abuse a child is more likely to emerge following an act of sexual grooming; during which, the individual may convince the child that what he or she is suggesting the child do is both natural and commonplace (Lanning, p 267, 1984). The introduction of this offence also follows calls for such legal reform by both the Internet Taskforce on Child Protection and child protection groups and demonstrates the increased societal awareness of the way in which such grooming can occur via internet chartrooms. Moreover, the dangers of sexual grooming have been recently recognized by the judiciary. In the case of Re Attorney General’s Reference (No.41 of 2000) [2001] 1 Cr App R (S) 372, one of the reasons why the Court of Appeal increased the defendant’s original sentence for indecent assault and making indecent photographs of a child was because he had sexually groomed a vulnerable child with special needs. Increasing the higher sentence, Rose LJ stated that ‘The gravity [of the offence] lay . . . in the grooming of this vulnerable and handicapped boy, over a period of time and the giving of money and other gifts’ (at 375). The first section of this article outlines the new offence of meeting a child following sexual grooming. Section two then provides an analysis of the offence and identifies the reasons why it is a necessary addition to the existing law. A critical analysis of the requirement of proving a harmful ulterior intent in order for the new offence to be made out follows in section three. Finally, section four examines the other new offences under the Sexual Offences Act that could relate to acts of sexual grooming, in order to place the s.15 offence in the context of the wider protection from sexual abuse that the Act seeks to offer children. The issues that this article examines should also be of wider intrinsic academic interest. For example, the analysis of the offence relating to sexual grooming raises the broader issue of the legal identification and demonstration of a harmful intent in a so-called ‘thought’ crime. Moreover, the overriding aim of the article is to address the increasingly pertinent question of how the existing law could be effectively developed in order to offer greater protection to children prior to the actual occurrence of sexual abuse Byron Review A good deal expected Byron Review was made available on 27th March 2008. This review is actually a wide-ranging account that glances at the threats to kids from being bare to possibly injurious or unsuitable matter available to them in video games and on internet. This report signifies the requirements of kids and adolescents and guides about protecting them from adversities while using video games and internet and provides them a protected environment where they are able to enjoy their favorite games and net-surfing (Leading Article, p 1, 2008). The author of this review is Dr. Tanya Byron who is a famous psychologist for children. She has planned a nationwide approach regarding internet security. Dr Byrons main concern is impractical relations threats deforming her insight regarding the issue she is dealing with. The kids and even adolescents are groomed by the pedophiles by means of the chat-rooms, but it doesn’t seem possible. A number of video games involve excessive viciousness and bloodshed which definitely seem to have negative effects upon a child’s psychology. Dr, Byron has been renowned for her constructive strategies presented in a TV serial â€Å"Toddler-taming†, is not in favor of presenting a persuasive argument complete panoply of controls. She suggests that parental groups, nationwide plan, and governmental authorities as a balanced reaction to an issue which is definitely concerns the entire family and not merely the internet. She tries to explain that access to all available information is not the real concern but it is the mental maturity level of the individual accessing and perceiving it. There is a constant shower of suggestions and threats over parents and the title performance of this exceptional disaster in case of any offense. The implicit but recurring inference that parents are required to assume their responsibility to save the life of their children by securing them from any abuse. She believes that now we are on a stage where some rebalancing is required that is to recognize effective parenting doesn’t only mean to provide protection but is also meant to offer some extent of freedom also. (Leading Article, p 1, 2008). The freedom of using internet and surfing online is available to almost all children. Numerous of them utilize it for completing their challenging assignments and there are some others who find it an essential means of knowledge on specific topics and issues. Thus, for a great majority it serves a significant learning aid and a source for exploring the world around. Its equal availability to everyone is also a plus point. It is an unrestricted; un arbitrated liberty, saturated with unpredicted knowledge, smuggled information, tiresome chat, crazy plotting speculations and the uncultivated envisages of minute groups of people for their underground concerns. There is fewer indications, effortless reach plus perhaps hazardously unidentified. Sporadically indecent and unappreciated facts and descriptions are conveyed to individuals. Thus like all scientific discoveries the internet also has both pros and cons (Leading Article, p 1, 2008). This also a segment of life which is handled by the parents very cautiously. The kids have embedded it in life and parents appreciate them to use it for exchange of ideas, searching and investigation. The problem actually lies with the parents who seem to be perplexed with parental controls sort of proposals and are doubtful regarding computer games and their respective ratings. The parents are usually scared for their children using the chat-rooms and assume it as place of trouble, while a majority of children is quite aware about the safety rules. Thus Dr. Byron suggests for training parents in dealing with such problems as she believes that parenting means guiding kids to handle challenging situations and probably risky matters in a secured way. If parents positively understand the situation they can convince the kids in a friendly manner to limit the surfing time and to adopt an inflexible system for video games ratings (Leading Article, p 1, 2008). Conclusion After a thorough research we have realized the negative aspects and all potential adversities while using ICT at schools. We have also studied the measures adopted by the government and the legal support provided to cyber victims in the form of various Acts being imposed from time to time. However, under these Acts an uncountable number of such online culprits are being caught and executed everyday, but with the passage of time and with the development ever increasing technology new devices and techniques are coming in every other day which are being used by evil-minded people for fulfilling their negative desires. Besides all the legitimate support provided by the government it is essential to develop awareness about self security, specifically the children and youths who are generally victimized in such offenses. Recommendations A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of schools as they have the targeted age group. Schools need to formulate comprehensive and secured ICT policies for safer employment. ICT facility offered to the teachers, students, staff and other community members must be completely owned and monitored by the administration. Appropriate guidelines must be provided to all users clearly notifying the extents and limits. It should be generally restricted to activities in relevance with school. There should be vivid information about:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freedoms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Privacy  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Suitable use of resources  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Authorization of access  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unauthorized uses Moreover, an appropriate organizational structure is required to be created in the school management as follows: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Governing Body: assumes the constitutional duties regarding children safety and decent internet usage. Some of such duties could be:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To develop a consciousness among student about both threats and benefits of ICT usage;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To crate a clear understanding of current school policy regarding ICT usage;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To support the head of the school in handling the media for in case of any offense;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To arrange enough resources for implementing internet security solutions;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To promote internet safety awareness among parents also. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Head of the School: definitely needs to take keen interest towards the creation of a protected ICT associated learning atmosphere. He/ she may:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Keep the final authority and responsibility of overall ICT security while assigning routine works to the ICT coordinator;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Assure that ICT coordinator is provided with essential resources, time, control and cooperation in performing his duties;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Guide the ICT coordinator to create a culture in the school regarding the internet security in the school  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inform the governing body about all concerned strategies and issues.    3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ICT Coordinator: Any senior teacher with prompt ICT skills may be promoted to this post or a new member be hired to fulfill the responsibility of ICT security supervision. He may:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plan ICT security guidance programs for students keeping in view the school activities and available resources and support;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maintain an incident-log regarding ICT security;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Prepare a workshop for parents in conference with other teachers;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Propose for the appraisal of current policy in the light of rising tendencies after examining the log. These are only a few general suggestion, however, every school has its own culture and its management can better decide the measures to adopted in the direction of crating a safe ICT learning environment, the primary concern is to realize its importance in the sequence of priorities. References Amory, Heathcoat. Edward. (2005). How the Information Act Works; Q A. Available at   Bransford, J., Brown, A. L. Cocking, R. R. (Eds.) (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D. 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