Monday, October 21, 2019

Against Abortion essays

Against Abortion essays In todays highly controversial society, it often becomes necessary for the law to reform certain areas of its legislation to suit ever growing changes. Abortion is a very debatable issue in which pro-choice and right to life groups put forward their beliefs and fight for their groups rights. It can only seem fair to have legislation to protect the individual and their circumstances. In cases involving abortion, it may prove necessary for the law to reform and revise its current statutes and legislation so that victims of rape, incest, women with health or foetus problems, financial difficulties and relationship troubles can all be covered fairly. A reform of legislation in Queensland is without a doubt necessary. The following report will analyse and explore the issue of abortion in the Queensland society today. Abortion is defined as the act of expulsion or removal of an embryo or foetus from a pregnant woman ¡s uterus. This can happen spontaneously or it may be induced. (FPQ  ¡V Abortion Under the current Queensland legislation abortion is legally available if a doctor believes that the continuation of the pregnancy would endanger the physical or mental health of the woman. Sections 224, 225 and 226 of the Queensland Criminal Code, defines when an abortion is illegal or 'unlawful ¡, but does not define when an abortion may be legal or 'lawful ¡. Section 228 of the criminal code relating to 'surgical operations ¡ is the accepted defence against prosecutions for abortion in Queensland, stating that:  ¡A person is not criminally responsible for performing in good faith and with responsible care and skill a surgical operation upon any person for the patients benefit, or upon an unborn child for the preservation of the mothers life if the performance of the operation is reasonable, having regard to the patients state at the time and to all circumstances of the case ¡. (Queensland Right to ...

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